Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Use the Blogs for Art Classes

Monday we are all be linking to the Upper Level art blog. It has links to all sections of upper level art and NAHS and the Artroom blog(most of it is art 1 related). Please bookmark it and your individual section blog.
Finishing up our personal blogs:
  1. Add at least these two gadgets to your blog - Blog List and Link list
  2. Add all students in your section to your Blog List. You can have as many Blog Lists as you want to, but this one is required.
  3. Make a Link List of artists in your area of study that interest you. You can have as many Link Lists as you want to, but this one is required.

    1. The following blog work will be 100% of your Daily Participation grade and all blog work must be posted by end of your class on Friday (if your class doesn't meet on Friday for some reason, you still have to have your updating finished by 11AM on Friday).
      Expectations for Participation Grade:
      1. Daily photo of your project and description of your progress – posted to your personal blog - phone app is easiest and fastest, or you can email the photo to yourself or you can use your laptop to take photos.  ***TAG or LABEL your posts from the my label list and/or your own list***
      2. Weekly comments on at least 2 of your classmates’ personal blogs. Add a quick post telling me which blogs you posted on so I can find them quickly.
      3. At least 1 weekly addition of an artist webpage – in your area of study - in your Link List.
      4. ** LABEL your posts from the my label list and/or your own list*** My List – high school art, art assignments, sculpture, photography, etc – your section

      Thank you!!! This is going to help so much – you will get much more individualized instructions and personal help through this technology based addition to our classes! Thanks for all you do! MzW

      Saturday, September 28, 2013

      Always something!!

      Having trouble with the compose button tonight - will only let me use html - been a LONG time, we'll see what it looks like if I just type it in and nothing else!!

      All AHS Art Sections now have their own blogs - I'm linking all of you to this blog this weekend!

      I will be posting assignments, deadlines, competition information, gallery and museum openings, links to awesome artists, and pictures of current classes and assignments. YOU will be posting journal entries and photos of your work. Everyone MUST turn in a Parent permission paper to have their photo on the blog, I'm trying to get documents on the blog that can be filled out online, but until then, we'll have to do it the old fashioned way, picking it up in the artroom, filling it out and taking it home for parents to sign!!

      Monday, September 9, 2013

      Welcome to AHS Upperlevel Blog!!
      The URL for this blog is
      You will each make a blog for yourself using your school email and password! For the name of your blog, use your first initial, last name UNDERSCORE Class(sculpture, painting,etc) UNDERSCORE 1 or 2(first or second year)
      here's what my blog would be called  
      This says I'm the art teacher for art 2-4.
      We will do this in class as soon as the admin office unblocks blogger!!

      BUT, you can do this at home also. When you create your blog, send your url to me in an email, or in a comment at the end of this post!